Friday, September 20, 2013


  1. Percentage share of renewable energy sources ----------------10-12%.
  2. Categories the enrolment of students in higher education 2010-11------------OBC
  3. Statement not correct about the UGC---------------------D.
  4. Warrant of precedence, the speaker of the Loksabha----------Prime minister.
  5. Effective mode of learning------E-learning.
  6. MLA Format----------------------------D.
  7. A workshop is ----------- A.
  8. Process of communication, chronological order----- Communicator-message-medium-receiver-effect
  9. Bengal Gazette was started –--------------James Hicky
  10. Press censorship in India was imposed---Indira Gandhi.
  11. Classroom communication of teacher rests on the principle of----Edutainment.
  12. TIGER will be represented by ------UJHFS.
  13. Missing number------------------------270
  14. The odd numbers from 1 to 45-----------33
  15. Mean of the remaining number----------110.
  16. WWW--------------------------------World wide web.
  17. A hard disk is subdivided into -----------Sectors.
  18. A Gigabyte is equal to--------1024 Megabytes
  19. A compiler is converts to ------------High level language to machine language
  20. Kyoto Protocol is related to------------Nuclear energy
  21. A natural hazards have the highest potential to cause to damage to humans----------Earthquakes.

1. IPO : United Nations
2. Digital watermarking is part of : Steganography
3. Information Ice berg : 1/3 Visible 2/3 Non- Visible
4. A Proxy server is used for : Share Internet Links
5. Library warrant : W.Hulme
6. Barcode system uses one of the following technologies : Pattern Recognition
7. Information observed and reported by some one else is know as : Empirical Information
8. Brain Storming : Alex Osborn
9. IV volume of 20th DDC : Relative Index
10. Data Ware house is : An Electronic Repository Of Organizational Data
11. World Intellectual property day : Aprinl 26 , 2009
12. Cyberspace is not wires cables and microwave but : A Physical Place
13. The book “ S.R. Ranganathan : Pragmatic Philosophy Of Information Science A
Personal Biography”
14. Perochial Libraries : Thomas Bray
15. TQM needs : Concept Oriented Management
16. Acronym : Donald Davinson
17. First Public Library Act : Madras
18. already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history - the information age
articulated by : Alvin Toffler
19. Buffer overflow : An Attack By Computer Hacker
20. An equivalent of Is 14000 standards is : ISO 9000
21. In flowchat Activity is represented by : Rectangle
22. One of the following is not a cause for obsolescence of published literature : No Longer
23. Gantt chat : Horizontal Bar Chat
24. M in five fundamental categories ( PMEST) : Matter
25. Value added information model for evaluating information systems and centres was provided
by : Robert S Taylor
26. Soul 2.0 is complaint to : Ncip2.0


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