इस ब्लॉग्स को सृजन करने में आप सभी से सादर सुझाव आमंत्रित हैं , कृपया अपने सुझाव और प्रविष्टियाँ प्रेषित करे , इसका संपूर्ण कार्य क्षेत्र विश्व ज्ञान समुदाय हैं , जो सभी प्रतियोगियों के कॅरिअर निर्माण महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान देगा ,आप अपने सुझाव इस मेल पत्ते पर भेज सकते हैं - chandrashekhar.malav@yahoo.com
Personal Collection of Late Prof. S.R. Ranganathan
Personal Collection of Late Prof. S.R. Ranganathan
Colon Classification, 4th Ed, Madras Library Association,1952.
Colon Classification, 5th Ed, Madras Library Association,1957.
Colon Classification, 6th Ed, Madras Library Association,1963.
Colon Classification, 7th Ed ( 1971) A Preview, Madras Library Association, 1969.
Colon Classification, The Graduate School of Library Science,1965.
Classification and Communciation, University of Delhi, 1951.
Descriptive Accounts of Colon Classification,Asia Publishing House, 1965.
Depth Classification and Reference Services and Reference Material, Indian Library Association, 1953.
Elements of Library Classification, N.K. Publishing House,1945.
Elements of Library Classification, 2nd Ed, Asia Publishing House, 1960.
Elements of Library Classification,3rd Ed. Asia Publishing House, 1962.
Library Classification: Fundamental and Procedure with 1008 Graded Examples and
Exercises, The Madras Library Association, 1944.Prolegmena to Library Classification, Publication series 6, The Madras Library Association, 1937.
Prolegmena to Library Classification,2nd Ed, The Madras Library Association, 1957.
Philosophy of Library Classification, Ejnar munksgaard, 1951.
Operation Facts in Libratry Calssification.
Catalogue, University of Madras, 1940.
Classified Catalogue Code, Series 4, Madras Library Association, 1934
Classified Catalogue Code, Series 13, 1st Ed, Thomson & Co Ltd, 1945.
Classified Catalogue Code, Series 14,2nd Ed, Thomson & Co Ltd, 1945.
Classified Catalogue Code, Series 17, 3rd Ed, Madras Library Association, 1951.
Classified Catalogue Code, Series 24, 4th Ed, Madras Library Association, 1958.
Classified Catalogue Code, 5th Ed, Asia Publishing House, 1964.
Classified Catalogue Code, 5th Ed, Asia Publishing House, 1965.
Cataloguing Practice
Dictionary Catalogue Code, Thomson & Co Ltd, 1945.
Headings and Canons: Comparative study of five catalogue code, S. Viswanathan, 1955.
Library Catalogue Fundemental and Procedure, Madras Library Association, 1950.
Rules for Descriptive Catalogue, Library of Congress, 1949.
Theory of Library Catalogue, Madras Library Association, 1938.
Commemoration Bibliography, The South India Seva Siddhantaa Works, 1961.
Social Bibliography or Physcial Bibliography for Librarians, University of Delhi, 1952.
Documentation and It's Fact, Asia Publishing House, 1963.
RANGANATHAN (S R) & Others. Free Book Service for All: An International Survey, Aisa Publishing House, 1968.
Library Service in India and Abroad, The South India Seva Siddhanta Works.
Library Service of the United Nation , Dept of Public Information.
RANGANATHAN (S R) & SUNDARAM (K M).Reference Service and Bibilography, Vol I, The Madras Library
Association, 1940. -
Reference Service and Bibilography, Vol II, The Madras Library Association, 1941.
Library Administration, Asia Publishing House, 1935.
Library Administration, Asia Publishing House, 1959.
Library Book Selection, Indian Library Asociation, 1952.
Library Legislation: Handbook to Madras Library Act, Madras Library Association, 1953.
RANGANATHAN (S R) & SIVARAMAN (K M). Library Manual, Indian Library Assocation ( Series 3), 1951
Library Manual: For library authorities, librarian and honorary Library workers, Ed 2, Indian Library Assocation
(Series 25) , 1960. -
Library Manual: For library authorities, librarian and honorary Library workers, Indian Library Assocation , 1962.
Education for Leasure, Indian Adult Education assocation, 1954.
Five Laws of Library Science, The Madras Library Association,1931.
Five Laws of Library Science, 2nd Ed, Asia Publishing House, 1963.
Library Science and Scientific Method, Madras Library Association, 1957
Post war Reconstruction of Libraries in India, Madras University, 1944.
Preface to Library Science, University of Delhi, 1948.
RANGANATHAN (S R) & GIRJA KUMAR. Social Education literature, Atma Ram and Sons, 1952
Social Science Research and Libraries, asia Publishing House, 1960.
Suggestion for the Organisation of Library in India, Oxford University Press, 1946.
Teaching in India Series, 2nd, Oxford Publishing Inc,1956.
- Gift book recieved by Prof. S.R. RANGANATHAN
Bibliography Organisation, University of Chicago Press, 1950.
SUSEEL KUMAR.Changing Concepts of Reference Service, Vikas Publishing House, 1974.
ATHERTON (P A) Ed.Classification Research, Munksgaard, 1964.
PARKHI (R S). Decimal Classification and Colon Classification in perspective, Asia Publishing House, 1964.
KENT (Allen) and LANCOUR (Harold) Ed. Encyclopeadia of Library and information Science, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1971.
BATTY (C D). Introduction to Colon Classification,Clive Bingley, 1966.
SUNGUPTA (B) and OHDEDAR (A K). Library Classification, World Press, 1971.
PARKHI(R S) Ed. Library Classification: Evaluation of a Dynamic Theory, Vikas Publishing House, 1972.
Library Movements in India, Delhi Library Association, 1958.
CHANDRSEKARAN (K). Library Science in India, Madras Library Association, 1953.
ATHERTON (P A). Putting Knowledge to work: An American View of Ranganathan's Five Laws of Library Science,
Vikas Publishing House, 1976. -
Ranganathan: Method and Style.
The Libraries in the Rumanian Peoples Republic, Meridians-Bucharest, 1961.
HANDS (Divers) .The Library Movements: A Collection of Essays, Madras Library Association, 1929.
STEINBERG (Alfred). The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt, G.P Putnam's Sons, 1958.
DOWNS (Robert B). The Power of Book, Syracuse University Press,1958.
GARDE (P K). The United Nations Family of Libraries, Asia Publishing house, 1970.