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12. Technology Based Indicators
P- 07. Informetrics & Scientometrics *
By :I K Ravichandra Rao,Paper Coordinator
http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/vt/ls/infsci/technology_indicators/Technology%20based%20Indicators_etext.mp42. self learning
12. Technology based indicatorsP- 07. Informetrics & Scientometrics * |
Technology based indicators: Primarily Patent and Standard
Patent is identified as a most important technology indicator as it provides a very good ‘proxy’ to technology development than other indicators. Patent is a legal document that gives the holder property right to the invention which is claimed. Patent provides a detailed description of the technology for which protection is claimed and thus acts as a very good source of identifying technology development.
Standard is another indicator which is gaining in importance as technology indicator. A technology standard can be viewed as “a set of specifications to which all elements of products, processes, formats, or procedures under its jurisdiction must conform”. Particularly in ICT (Information Communication Technology) standards are playing an important role in defining technological competency. But standard is still in early stages of being used as technology indicator because of its complexity, not available in a systematic/organised manner and uncertainty of its proper relationship with technology.
The module will restrict itself to patent.
Salient Aspect of Patent /patenting System
TRIADIC PATENTS = covers patents which have been simultaneously filed in the EPO, USPTO, and JPO
The above is a typical patent document of the US patent office. The general structures of patent document of different patent offices largely resemble this structure.
Information content of patent document---
[1] For details of IPC refer next section and website:http://www.wipo.int/classifications/ipc/en/general/preface.html
[2] For details related to citations refer next section
The International Patent Classification
The International Patent Classification (IPC), provides a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain. In order to keep the IPC up to date, it is continuously revised and a new version is regularly published.
Retrieval System: Mainly for inventions claimed and some significant information available in description; Addresses each technical object to which a patent relates; A combined function/application classification system in which the function takes precedence; A Tiered Structure: Sections, Classes, Subclasses, Groups and Subgroups;
Analytical Applications of IPC: Identification of technical classes to which a patent belong, group patents which belong to same technical class, group patents covering a sector or link patents to production/trade.
Patent citations (references): References to prior technology, either patents or other scientific literature on which the current patent builds or which it uses. Citations are in two places in a patent document--- examiner citation and citation given by applicants. Applicant citation is used by the applicant to describe the background of the invention, genesis and provide evidence why said invention is novel and non-obvious. Along with the requirement to describe the invention properly, applicants provide citations to avoid infringement (limit scope, defense against suits).
Examiner citations have a legal role in judging the novelty and non-obviousness of an invention covered by the patent:
– if references lead to claim(s), those claim(s) are not approved.
– If references make the claim/claims obvious, then those claim/claims are not granted.
– If references make all the claims, then that patent is not granted.
Examiner citations may cover a large portion of citations given by applicants.
US patent document provides explicit documentation. Examiner citations are in the front page which is used for judging the novelty and inventiveness of the invention. This explicit referencing allows detailed citation analysis of US patent document.
USPTO differs from EPO in citation practice: USPTO-- all relevant citations; EPO-- minimum number needed to cover prior art. In other patent offices such as Indian Patent Office, the citations are generally not explicitly given.
What can we measure from patents?
The level of research and innovation activities: Correlation between R&D and patents
Types of innovations and technological compétences of organizations : The description of patented technologies and the corresponding IPC codes can be used to distinguish between different types of technological innovations. Patents are also a good indicator of the directions of research and of the technological competencies of organizations (ex: patent portfolios of firms).
Technology strengths of nations: The technological position of nations in a certain area (for ex. nanotechnology or biotechnology) may also be analyzed through patent data. The national patent share in a particular technological field w.r.t. the overall number of patents in that field allows for a ranking of countries.
Technology diffusion: Patent data are available from many different countries and so can be used to track patterns of diffusion. Data on multiple filings of patents (patent family size) can be used as an indirect measure of the value of innovation and of its diffusion across countries.
Sources of innovation and network of innovators: Bibliographic data on patents (identify of the inventor and of the assignee) and joint patent applications can be used to study the sources of innovation and the distribution of patents across organizations (role of collaborations, mapping of networks of innovators).
Technological spillovers and knowledge relatedness: Patent citations can be used as indicators of knowledge flows and spillovers across innovations. To capture the cumulativeness and dynamic character of innovation.
Importance and novelty of innovation: the importance can be assessed through citations or through expert evaluation.
Science – Technology Linkage : The intensity of references/citations in the patent document to research articles provide indication of the extent of scientific research that have lead to the patent.
Strenghths: Long historical time series available; publicly available (no secrecy problems); Relatively consistent over time; Classification by technical field is possible; Citation analysis is possible
Some of the Patent based Indicators:
Technological specialization profile of the countries according to International Patent Classification (IPC) as percentage distribution of patents.
With: Pij = number of patents of firm j in sector i; Pj= number of patents of firm j in all areas; Pi= number of patents of the country in sector I; P=total patents of the country
RTAij greater than one indicates higher activity/specialisation and vice-versa (with respect to the country’s strength).
Scientific Intensity (of a country/firm) = Number of Patents (of a country or firm) × Science linkage
Iot can also be used to judge which field is more science intensive than the other
Front page of US Patent
One of the useful ways to identify patents within a technology field/research areas is through a Three Phase Model (Narin et al. 1993)
i) Technology Plane itself, where the activity under scrutiny is occurring; ii) A precursor or base plane where earlier, cited research has occurred; iii) a successor citing patents, encompassing new applications or variations of the central technology.
(The lines among the successor, technology, and base planes are very thin; it is one of classification and judgment).
The three planes represent closely related areas. They may also represent particularly in the successor plane, leading indicators of future activity.
Advantages and disadvantages of patents as a science and technology metric
Testing Students Ability
Why patent is a useful indicator of technology activity?
Why citations are important in a patent?
How will you judge importance of a country’s technology strength through patent?
Patent can identify that a particular technology has strong scientific linkage?
Citations given by applicants are used to judge novelty of a patent?
Technology class of a patent is identified through International Patent Classification?
· Geisler, E. 2000. The Metrics of Science and Technology, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
· Moed, H F, Glanzel, W. and Schmoch, U. (2004). Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology Research. Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands.
· OECD Patent Statistics Manual (2009). Paris: OECD Publishing. (http://www.oecd.org/)
· Van Raan A. F. J. (1988). Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology. Elsevier Science publishers R.V: The Netherlands.
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