इस ब्लॉग्स को सृजन करने में आप सभी से सादर सुझाव आमंत्रित हैं , कृपया अपने सुझाव और प्रविष्टियाँ प्रेषित करे , इसका संपूर्ण कार्य क्षेत्र विश्व ज्ञान समुदाय हैं , जो सभी प्रतियोगियों के कॅरिअर निर्माण महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान देगा ,आप अपने सुझाव इस मेल पत्ते पर भेज सकते हैं - chandrashekhar.malav@yahoo.com
Consultants Pvt. Ltd which has a mission of library
• The company is engaged in providing software solutions
since the year 1984.
• LibSys is integrated multi-user library management
software that caters to the needs of an advanced library
and information professionals. It provides a tree structure
system with each system comprising of several subsystems
having unmatchable depth in functionality.LIBSYS- TECHNOLOGY
• The LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user library
management systems.
• It runs on various platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN,
• It is built around its own bibliographic database following
ANSI Z39.2 format and supports variable field lengths for
different types of documents.
• It is a powerful software written in `C / C++'and 'Java' providing
extremely user friendly interface during operations.
• LibSys is based on its own Bibliographic database, it is also
available for environment using ORACLE (or SQL Server or
MySQL) as back-end RDBMS. Full Graphical User Interface
(GUI) front-end is provided for the windows client.
Case Study: LIBSYS
P- 04. Information Communication Technology for Libraries *
By :Usha Munshi,Paper Coordinators
Course Home
• LibSys is a New Delhi-based software company – Info-TekConsultants Pvt. Ltd which has a mission of library
• The company is engaged in providing software solutions
since the year 1984.
• LibSys is integrated multi-user library management
software that caters to the needs of an advanced library
and information professionals. It provides a tree structure
system with each system comprising of several subsystems
having unmatchable depth in functionality.LIBSYS- TECHNOLOGY
• The LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user library
management systems.
• It runs on various platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN,
• It is built around its own bibliographic database following
ANSI Z39.2 format and supports variable field lengths for
different types of documents.
• It is a powerful software written in `C / C++'and 'Java' providing
extremely user friendly interface during operations.
• LibSys is based on its own Bibliographic database, it is also
available for environment using ORACLE (or SQL Server or
MySQL) as back-end RDBMS. Full Graphical User Interface
(GUI) front-end is provided for the windows client.
1984 – The Libsys company was incorporated with the software development
projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance Business.
1988 – Libsys 3 version was released and first installation at NIC and DOE
1995 – Libsys reached overseas with installation at Universidad Nacional,
Costa Rica for Spanish Language. Similarly British Council adopted
Libsys for India and South Asia
2000 – Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released
2003 – Lsmart RFID system was deployed at Bank of Baroda at Mumbai,
India; LSDigital –Digital Resource Management System and
LSPremia multisuite installed.
2008 - Libsys7 the state of art globally competitive Web base LMS was
2010 – Company became a Limited company as Libsys Ltd. Launched
LSAcademia, an ERP for academic institutes.LSTech Ventures Pvt Ltd
LIBSYS Family has expanded by diversifying strategically to serve new areas, under
a fully owned subsidiary LSTech Ventures Pvt. Ltd, the company is flourishing with
the new technologies.
LSAcademia - An ERP based software product for total automation of
academic campuses.
Enterprise Learning System (ELS) - The Enterprise Learning System for
formulation and end to end implementation of a Learning Strategy, Talent
Management and Knowledge Management for complete employee
File Tracking System - The RFID based file and document tracking system for
maintaining visibility of moving files in or out of the departments
LibSys – Libsys is a library management system with five modules -
Acquisition System, Cataloguing System, Circulation System, Serials System
and OPAC.Libsys Versions
LSEase is basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition. It is based on the client-server architecture and gives users a blend of
technology advantage and ease of use. LSEase requires minimal data entry and facilitates
easy data back-up. LSEase can run on any operating system and Support for multi-media
files. It has interactive, screen oriented and menu driven user interface and supports user
defined security levels with optional Web based architecture. LSEase is fully compliance with
MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW and Z39.50
LSAcademia is a complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a school,
college or an institute. It seamlessly integrates different administrative departments and
ensures a smooth flow of information among them. It is a user friendly advanced GUI Interface
which is platform Independent and has industry standard Browser interface. LSAcademia has
robust interfacing with Email, SMS, Payment Gateway, Biometrics, RFID and provides
customized, integrated Reports. The solution has ease of maintenance, enhancement and
customization.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
Libsys4 is one of the very popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various
platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN, WINDOWS NT, etc. LibSys4 has been built
around its own bibliographic database following ANSI Z39.2 format and supports
variable field lengths for different types of documents.
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability of the
library operations through its comprehensive seven modules. As a Web based
solution, it provides platform independence and advanced OPAC. LIBSYS7 provides
the competency with GWT based GUI with multitasking feature. The Libsys7 fully
supports Unicode and provides federated Searching with customizable looks. It also
supports user notification through E-mail and SMS and provides RSS feeds and
integration with Google Books, BookFinder, etc. Libsys7 has interactive features like
online reviews, ratings, renewals, reservations etc. to deliver patron satisfaction.
Libsys7 is standard compliance for MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW, Z39.50, NCIP
(NISO) and SICI Barcode.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
LSDigital is document digitization software used by libraries for the purpose of
easy management, multi-access, reduction of storage space of the document
and the preservation against spoilage of rare books, research papers, important
documents and archived newspapers, maps, etc. The software has been
designed to facilitate easy searching of text in the document. LSDigital is a
complete Digital Resource Management System (DRMS) standard compliance
with OAI for metadata harvesting and Dublin Core. The software provides implicit
integration with LIBSYS database and the full-text and bibliographic searching of
documents can be through LIBSYS OPAC. The software converts different data
into format of choice (PDF, Doc, etc.) and defines & organizes data structure /
flow according to needs. LSDigital also supports various image manipulations.
The modules include Resource Structure, Scanning, Version Maintenance,
Format Conversion, Resource Database, Maintenance and Searching and
LibSys has open-system architecture (three-tier), since its inception, and its
continuous transition, from a host multi-user system to Client-Server
implementation and finally total web-based solution.
LibSys has a powerful and user-friendly web OPAC along with a windowsbased
LibSys provides on-line validation of input data prior to updating the database.
Prompts and suitable messages are flashed when the data does not match
and 'look-up tables' provides help as and when required
LibSys handles Indian languages and scripts using ISM publisher and GIST of
C-DAC. There is an addition of UNICODE support in LibSys that facilitates
handling of both International and Indian languages.
Image and multimedia files can be integrated with LibSys search engine. They
may be browsed in multi-windows interface with standard window features.
Various formats handled by LibSys include Bitmap (.BMP), TIFF (.TIF), Wave
(.WAV), Midi (.MID), Audio-visual Interface (.AVI), etc.Libsys- Special Features cont...
LibSys can handle digital contents along with various multimedia
files and electronic resources implementation of a virtual library
is a distinct possibility.
Bar Code Printing – LibSys has an in-built utility which facilitates
printing of Bar code labels for identification of books and other
Thesaurus Construction – This capability is used in searching
for synonyms, as well as, broader and narrower terms.
Resource Sharing – Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search
engine makes possible connectivity on networks and sharing of
resources.Libsys @ IGNOU
In 1990, IGNOU library procured integrated software LibSys
to automate all the housekeeping operations. 13000 records
created in CDS/ISIS were transported to LibSys on XENIX
operating system. In 1991 LibSys with DOS operating
system was acquired by the IGNOU as the XENIX version
had a limitation of capacity. It was installed on PC-286 and
transferred to PC-386 later. In 1993 LibSys with UNIX
operating system was networked in all the sections of the
IGNOU library using 12 terminals. Finally in year 1999 the
Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system.LibSys 4 -IGNOU Library
Acquisition System
Cataloguing System
Circulation System
Serial System
Article Indexing System
OPAC SystemLibsys- Acquisition
The Acquisition System deals with ordering of library materials, monitoring
their receipt, invoice processing and accessioning. It also maintains
expenditure and budget analyses under a variety of accounts/headings.
Libsys provides the facility to add the data related to purchases, gifts and
exchanges. The acquisition process in Libsys consists of:
Selecting materials for a library;
Placing orders for the supply of books to be purchased;
Processing materials received as gifts;
Arranging for exchange of books;
Receiving the books in the library;
Accessioning them; and
Passing the bill for payment for the books purchased.
Libsys- Acquisition Module
Initiate Title Approval Process Ordering Invoice Other Functions
Enter title Request to
Place Order Receiving Online Searches
Import Requested
Initiate Approval List Order Invoice
Record Keeping
Data Import Approval Status Titles for
Accessioning Queries
Request to
Return Items Overdue Notices Payment request Reports
Update Title Payment Updates System Setup
Gratis Item House KeepingLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
The various functions related to acquisition are:
Checking titles for duplication
Procuring approval for new titles
Placing orders
Receiving supplies
Invoicing and accessioning
Requisition for paymentLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
Libsys Acquisition module has queries option in which queries related to
acquisition can be seen or printed like title, orders, invoices, vendors, budget
heads, accession register, etc. The various reports can also be generated by
the system, which includes approval form, purchase order, the titles on-order
list, payment request, overdue notices, accession register, bill/invoice
register, etc. The Libsys Acquisition module also maintains records for
budget heads, vendors, exchange rates for various currencies, etc. Every
module of Libsys has system setup. The System Setup function defines
various default values to be used by the system for acquisition. Every
module also has online search and in acquisition it facilitates searching
through various indexes for author, title, classified, catalogue, subject, place
and publisher. Information can also be retrieved by a search made on wards
in title and a keyword search.Libsys- Cataloguing
The Cataloguing System provides online catalogues in the various orders as it was maintained
in traditional libraries. Additionally, it makes available instant listings under a variety of
searchable fields to suit the requirements of a modern reference centre. Other than data entry
facility, the system has the additional facility to accept data in standard machine readable
formats such as CCF (ISO-2709), MARC (ANSI-Z39.x), etc. This makes possible import/export
of bibliographic data in standard exchange formats, meeting specific requirements of any
library. The system provides facilities to generate bibliographies, current awareness services
and SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information).
The Cataloguing process starts either by selecting titles-in-process which have gone through
the acquisition process or by a new entry. The maintenance function allows for maintaining a
title such as removing it, changing its accession number, merging the title in case of multiple
copies, attaching multimedia files, etc. Existing holdings of a library can be entered into the
database through the Retrospective Conversion function. Titles which are entered through this
function will not be a part of the New Additions List. Data can be imported from other
databases too.Libsys- Cataloguing Process
Dissemination of
Information (SDI)
Catalogue Cards
& Bar Codes
Title in Process
New Title
Data ImportLibsys- Cataloguing Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Titles In-Process Online Searches
Enter Title Current Awareness
Update Title Bibliographies
Update Holdings Selective Dissemination of Information
Remove Title Print Catalogue Cards
Subjects Updates Reports
Titles by Accession No. System Setup
Change Accession No. House Keeping
Retrospective Conversion Data Import/ Export
Change Type of Document Stock Verification
Merge Titles
Authority File
Multimedia Libsys- Cataloguing cont..
Following are the functions of the
Cataloguing System:
Online Searches
Current Awareness
Print Catalogue Cards
Print Cards
System Setup
Data Import/Export
Stock Verification Libsys- Cataloguing cont...
Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches, updating
the users of new additions to the library collections and information
dissemination to users on the basis of their areas of interest and
through the Online Searches, Current Awareness and SDI functions.
This module permits printing of the cataloguing cards and report
generation. The cataloguing module also facilitates Data Import/Export
process, which is used to transfer the bibliographic data available in
standard machine readable format such as MARC, ISO-2709,
DIALOG, etc. to LibSys and vice-versa. Finally it also provides for
inventory or stock verification of a library's collection.Libsys- Circulation
The Circulation System maintains up to date membership records as well as the
latest status of the collection meant for circulation. It performs all the functions related
to circulation providing suitable checks at every stage. It takes care of infrequent but
routine functions such as bindery record management, books on display in the library,
latest additions to the library, etc. The various functions related to the Circulation
System are:-
• Member Records
• Front desk Operations
• Collection Updates
• Reservations
• Recall/Follow-up
• Inter-Library loan
• Serials Circulation
• Fine Collection
• Management ReportingLibsys- Circulation Process
Member Records Collection Update
Registration and
cancellation of
Check out/in
& Renewals
Inter Library
Reservation &
Check-out of
back issues
Binding of
Status Updates
of TitlesLibsys- Circulation Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Member Records Reports
Collection Updates System Setup
Front Desk Operations House Keeping
Reservation Enquiries
Recall/Follow-up Management Reporting
Inter-Library loan Member History
Serial Circulation Online Searches
Circulation cont..
The Circulation system provides for all the frontdesk
operations of a library and gives access to
the titles that have been catalogued and
indexed. These titles are ready for circulation
among the library members. The details of all
the library members are also maintained by this
function. The Circulation System facilitates the
registration of members, maintenance of their
status, knowing about the status of titles in the
library, maintenance of the database, inter
library loan, collection of fine from members and
online searches. Before starting the use of the
Circulation System, some parameters can be
set by the System Setup function of this module.
The House-keeping function facilitates the
smooth running of the system.Libsys- Serial
The Serial System provides control of periodical
subscriptions and subsequent monitoring of the
scheduled arrival of individual issues. It maintains records
of the budget sanctioned for serials under different
categories, amounts encumbered and expended, thus
providing complete budgetary control. It maintains records
of serial titles, vendors/publishers, budget-heads,
currencies, exchange rates, etc. that are vital for the
maintenance of the serials database. It also handles
serials which are received gratis or in exchange.Libsys- Serial cont..
The major functions of Serial Module are:
Issues Management
Articles Indexing
Record Keeping
System Set-Up
Stock Verification
Union Catalogue
Online Searches Libsys- Article Indexing
The Article Indexing System provides the
facility to create and maintain a separate
articles database. It facilitates special
services like SDIs, listing of current
articles, bibliographies, etc. It permits the
indexing of the contents of serials in a
way that they are easily retrievable with
the help of the Online Searches,
Documentation or Bibliography options.
The function of this module can be
categorized as:
• Maintenance
• Retrievals
• Miscellaneous
• SDI Libsys- OPAC
The OPAC System is known as Online Public
Access Catalogue. The bibliographic databases
can be accessed in a manner never ever
possible before with printed indexes. The
system includes a word-based search facility
using Boolean operators that can narrow down a
search to meet very specific needs. The
following catalogues are available online:
Title Catalogue
Author Catalogue
Subject Catalogue
Classified Catalogue
KWIC Index
Place of PublicationLibsys- WebOPAC
It is an optional module and provides an advanced GUI interface to enable
searching of the library database through an industry standard Web browser
having all the features of OPACLibsys 7
Libsys 7 is a Web centric system based on LIBSYS providing access through industry
standard Web Browsers. LIBSYST is quite comprehensive and covers functions in
the following integrated modules. The value added feature of Libsys 7 from Libsys 4
LIBSYST has following additional value added features!
Browser based Web Client
GWT compliant Web Interface
Full Unicode Support (Indian and Foreign scnpts)
Meta data (MARC21 / Dublin Core)
E- Resources Management
Z39.50; SRU/W compliance for Net Cataloguing
Use of preferred RDBMS (Oracle / SQL Server / MySQL/ PostgreSQL)
OAI-PMH for harvesting OAI repositories
New Web OPAC InterfaceLibsys7 cont..
Federated Search on Z39.50; SRU/w; LIBSYS databases
RSS Feeds for providing additional information to the users
OPAC Enrichment Services for enriched bibliographic
information (TOC, Cover Image, summary, Annotation, etc,)
on library resources
Users' reviews/ rating of titles
Users' feedback and recommendations
Library Bulletin Board
User defined Reports
Add-on option for NCIP compliance (NISO Circulation
Interchange Protocol) for integration with RFID devices
Add-on option for integration with ERP SystemsComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
1. Technology Complete Web based system Client Server Architecture with windows
client. Web OPAC is browser based
User Interface based on Google Web
Toolkit (GWT) providing contemporary
look and feel.
Feature not available
Supports multitasking. At single point of
time multiple screens can be opened
Multiple screens cannot be opened
Centralised IP based administrative
console to monitor the usage of ILMS on
Client based on the installed system the
usage can be monitored
2. Federated Search Federated Searching of databases
including Libsys databases on Net
(Handles Z39.50, SRU/W and many
otherstandard protocols)
No federated searchingComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
3. Unicode Fully Unicode enabled which supports
Indian and Foreign scripts both.
Supports ASCII only for English and
regional languages.
4. RDBMS Backend Standard Libsys database on MysSQL
RDBMS backend (Option for oracle/
sql server/ postgreSQL also are
RDBMS backend only available as
5. MARC 21 MARC 21/Dublin Core support for
Meta Data
Default support for Meta data in
Libsys format. MARC 21 support
available as Add-on.
Comprehensive implementation of
TAG 856 for electronic resources
Limited support for E Resources
Option for Holdings Data and
Authority Data in MARC 21
In Libsys format only
Journals data in MARC 21 Not available in Libsys 4
Patron Data in MARC 21 Standard format of LibsysComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
6. Net Cataloguing Net cataloguing accessing database
with standard protocols such as
Z39.50, SRU/W etc including Libsys
Catalogue downloading from
databases using Z39.50 only
OAI-PMH support for Meta data
harvesting from OAI repositories in
Meta data harvesting not available
7. WebOPAC Enhanced Web OPAC interface using
Google WebToolkit (GWT) with
powerful 'LSearch'
Simple web interface
OPAC enrichment by extended
Bibliographic Services (Syndetics) or
linking with Amazon, Google,
Library Anything, sites.
Not AvailableComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
7. WebOPAC RSS Feeds for Recent additions and
many other options providing
additional information in OPAC
These are not available
Reviews / rating of titles by users
through OPAC
Not Available
Facility to select entries in Search
Results in OPAC for attaching in email
/ downloading
No facility of attaching and e-mail.
Auto-Indexing of newly added
Bibliographic records thereby
making available up-to-date OPAC
all the time.
Command based indexing for new
addition of bibliographic records to
Comparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
8. Report
Web interface for Report
Generator which enables
customization of default
reports in Libsys and defining
new reports. Option for Chart/
Graphic representation in
Not available in Libsys4
9. Others Automatic registration of
journal issues through SICI
Not possible in Libsys4
Integration with existing
Limited options availableScreen Shots of Libsys 7Acquistion in Libsys7Cataloguing in Libsys7Circulation in Libsys7Serial Control in Libsys7Article Indexing in Libsys7OPAC Search in Libsys7Administrative Setup in Libsys7Conclusion
Libsys Ltd is providing a set of value-added services
such as Automated Library Software, Digital Resource
Management, Open Source GWT (Google Web Toolkit),
and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). LibSys is
integrated multiuser library management software that
caters to the needs of an advanced library and
information professionals and the users. It provides a
tree structure system with each system comprising of
several sub-systems having unmatchable depth in
functionality. Recently it has also introduced the
LSearch App for mobile device which provides a quick,
efficient and portable way of remaining connected to the
1. Namrata Rai, Shailendra Kumar, (2011) "Comparative features of
integrated library management software systems available in Delhi",
Electronic Library, The, Vol. 29 Iss: 1, pp.121 – 146
2. Libsys Ltd www.libsys.co.in
3. Harinarayana, N. S. (1997) Acquisitions through libsys: An
experience. Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and
Information Studies, 34 (4). pp. 163-172
4. Neela Jagannathan. Library System and Information Services at the
Indira Gandhi National Open University, AAOU ’98 – Asian Librarians’
Roundtable. Available at
Q1 LibSys is a software company named as?
A Info-Tek Consultancy Ltd
B Info-Asia Consultants Pvt. Ltd
C Infotech Consultants Pvt. Ltd
D Info-Tek Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Info-Tek Consultants Pvt. Ltd ]MCQ OCLC
Q2 The Libsys company was started in the year ?
A 1982
Feedback for
Correct Option
[The Libsys company was incorporated with the software
development projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance
Business]MCQ OCLC
Q3 Why was Libsys 4 version released?
A To provide web based application
B To solve the bugs of Libsys 2
C To have Y2K migration and Client Server
D To change the operating system of the software
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released in year
2000 as Libsys4 version]MCQ OCLC
Q4 How many modules are there in Libsys?
A Seven
B Nine
C Six
D Ten
Feedback for
Correct Option
[There are six modules in libsys i.e. Acquisition, Cataloguing,
Circulation, Article Indexing and OPAC]MCQ OCLC
Q5 Which veriosn of Libsys has integration with existing ERP/MIS ?
A Libsys4
B Libsys7
C LSDigital
D None of the above
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Libsys7]TOF OCLC
Libsys4 fully supports Unicode and
provides federated Searching
<Correct Ans> Flase
Feedback < Libsys7 supports Unicode and
provides federated searching>TOF OCLC
Libsys has been a limited company since
its inception ?
Feedback < In 2010 Libsys become a
Limited company>TOF OCLC
LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user
library management systems
<Correct Ans> True
Feedback TOF OCLC
LSEase is advanced library management
modules of Libsys giving prospects a
high cost and high value proposition
<Correct Ans> Flase
Feedback < LSEase is basic library management modules
of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition>TOF OCLC
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0
and provides end to end manageability
of the library operations .
<Correct Ans> True
Feedback < >FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
1 Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search engine makes possible
connectivity on networks and sharing of resources
Correct Answer Z39.50
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
2 In year 1999 the Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system in IGNOU
Correct Answer 1999
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
3 Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches
Correct Answer Boolean
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
4 The Serial System provides control of periodical subscriptions and
subsequent monitoring of the scheduled arrival of individual issues
Correct Answer Periodical
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
5 OPAC System is known as Online Public Access Catalogue
Correct Answer Open Public Access
Feedback [Feedback, if any]MCH OCLC
Q. No. Match the following Structure of JANET (column A)with
corresponding feature (column B)
Column A Column B
LSEase A basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a
low cost and high value proposition
LSAcademia A complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a
school, college or an institute
Libsys4 A popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various platforms
Libsys7 A true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability
of the library operations .
LIBSYS - Introduction
• LibSys is a New Delhi-based software company – Info-Tek
Consultants Pvt. Ltd which has a mission of library
• The company is engaged in providing software solutions
since the year 1984.
• LibSys is integrated multi-user library management
software that caters to the needs of an advanced library
and information professionals. It provides a tree structure
system with each system comprising of several subsystems
having unmatchable depth in functionality.LIBSYS- TECHNOLOGY
• The LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user library
management systems.
• It runs on various platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN,
• It is built around its own bibliographic database following
ANSI Z39.2 format and supports variable field lengths for
different types of documents.
• It is a powerful software written in `C / C++'and 'Java' providing
extremely user friendly interface during operations.
• LibSys is based on its own Bibliographic database, it is also
available for environment using ORACLE (or SQL Server or
MySQL) as back-end RDBMS. Full Graphical User Interface
(GUI) front-end is provided for the windows client.LIBSYS- History
1984 – The Libsys company was incorporated with the software development
projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance Business.
1988 – Libsys 3 version was released and first installation at NIC and DOE
1995 – Libsys reached overseas with installation at Universidad Nacional,
Costa Rica for Spanish Language. Similarly British Council adopted
Libsys for India and South Asia
2000 – Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released
2003 – Lsmart RFID system was deployed at Bank of Baroda at Mumbai,
India; LSDigital –Digital Resource Management System and
LSPremia multisuite installed.
2008 - Libsys7 the state of art globally competitive Web base LMS was
2010 – Company became a Limited company as Libsys Ltd. Launched
LSAcademia, an ERP for academic institutes.LSTech Ventures Pvt Ltd
LIBSYS Family has expanded by diversifying strategically to serve new areas, under
a fully owned subsidiary LSTech Ventures Pvt. Ltd, the company is flourishing with
the new technologies.
LSAcademia - An ERP based software product for total automation of
academic campuses.
Enterprise Learning System (ELS) - The Enterprise Learning System for
formulation and end to end implementation of a Learning Strategy, Talent
Management and Knowledge Management for complete employee
File Tracking System - The RFID based file and document tracking system for
maintaining visibility of moving files in or out of the departments
LibSys – Libsys is a library management system with five modules -
Acquisition System, Cataloguing System, Circulation System, Serials System
and OPAC.Libsys Versions
LSEase is basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition. It is based on the client-server architecture and gives users a blend of
technology advantage and ease of use. LSEase requires minimal data entry and facilitates
easy data back-up. LSEase can run on any operating system and Support for multi-media
files. It has interactive, screen oriented and menu driven user interface and supports user
defined security levels with optional Web based architecture. LSEase is fully compliance with
MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW and Z39.50
LSAcademia is a complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a school,
college or an institute. It seamlessly integrates different administrative departments and
ensures a smooth flow of information among them. It is a user friendly advanced GUI Interface
which is platform Independent and has industry standard Browser interface. LSAcademia has
robust interfacing with Email, SMS, Payment Gateway, Biometrics, RFID and provides
customized, integrated Reports. The solution has ease of maintenance, enhancement and
customization.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
Libsys4 is one of the very popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various
platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN, WINDOWS NT, etc. LibSys4 has been built
around its own bibliographic database following ANSI Z39.2 format and supports
variable field lengths for different types of documents.
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability of the
library operations through its comprehensive seven modules. As a Web based
solution, it provides platform independence and advanced OPAC. LIBSYS7 provides
the competency with GWT based GUI with multitasking feature. The Libsys7 fully
supports Unicode and provides federated Searching with customizable looks. It also
supports user notification through E-mail and SMS and provides RSS feeds and
integration with Google Books, BookFinder, etc. Libsys7 has interactive features like
online reviews, ratings, renewals, reservations etc. to deliver patron satisfaction.
Libsys7 is standard compliance for MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW, Z39.50, NCIP
(NISO) and SICI Barcode.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
LSDigital is document digitization software used by libraries for the purpose of
easy management, multi-access, reduction of storage space of the document
and the preservation against spoilage of rare books, research papers, important
documents and archived newspapers, maps, etc. The software has been
designed to facilitate easy searching of text in the document. LSDigital is a
complete Digital Resource Management System (DRMS) standard compliance
with OAI for metadata harvesting and Dublin Core. The software provides implicit
integration with LIBSYS database and the full-text and bibliographic searching of
documents can be through LIBSYS OPAC. The software converts different data
into format of choice (PDF, Doc, etc.) and defines & organizes data structure /
flow according to needs. LSDigital also supports various image manipulations.
The modules include Resource Structure, Scanning, Version Maintenance,
Format Conversion, Resource Database, Maintenance and Searching and
Retrievals.Libsys- Special Features
LibSys has open-system architecture (three-tier), since its inception, and its
continuous transition, from a host multi-user system to Client-Server
implementation and finally total web-based solution.
LibSys has a powerful and user-friendly web OPAC along with a windowsbased
LibSys provides on-line validation of input data prior to updating the database.
Prompts and suitable messages are flashed when the data does not match
and 'look-up tables' provides help as and when required
LibSys handles Indian languages and scripts using ISM publisher and GIST of
C-DAC. There is an addition of UNICODE support in LibSys that facilitates
handling of both International and Indian languages.
Image and multimedia files can be integrated with LibSys search engine. They
may be browsed in multi-windows interface with standard window features.
Various formats handled by LibSys include Bitmap (.BMP), TIFF (.TIF), Wave
(.WAV), Midi (.MID), Audio-visual Interface (.AVI), etc.Libsys- Special Features cont...
LibSys can handle digital contents along with various multimedia
files and electronic resources implementation of a virtual library
is a distinct possibility.
Bar Code Printing – LibSys has an in-built utility which facilitates
printing of Bar code labels for identification of books and other
Thesaurus Construction – This capability is used in searching
for synonyms, as well as, broader and narrower terms.
Resource Sharing – Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search
engine makes possible connectivity on networks and sharing of
resources.Libsys @ IGNOU
In 1990, IGNOU library procured integrated software LibSys
to automate all the housekeeping operations. 13000 records
created in CDS/ISIS were transported to LibSys on XENIX
operating system. In 1991 LibSys with DOS operating
system was acquired by the IGNOU as the XENIX version
had a limitation of capacity. It was installed on PC-286 and
transferred to PC-386 later. In 1993 LibSys with UNIX
operating system was networked in all the sections of the
IGNOU library using 12 terminals. Finally in year 1999 the
Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system.LibSys 4 -IGNOU Library
Acquisition System
Cataloguing System
Circulation System
Serial System
Article Indexing System
OPAC SystemLibsys- Acquisition
The Acquisition System deals with ordering of library materials, monitoring
their receipt, invoice processing and accessioning. It also maintains
expenditure and budget analyses under a variety of accounts/headings.
Libsys provides the facility to add the data related to purchases, gifts and
exchanges. The acquisition process in Libsys consists of:
Selecting materials for a library;
Placing orders for the supply of books to be purchased;
Processing materials received as gifts;
Arranging for exchange of books;
Receiving the books in the library;
Accessioning them; and
Passing the bill for payment for the books purchased. Libsys- Acquisition Process
Initiate Title
InvoicingLibsys- Acquisition Module
Initiate Title Approval Process Ordering Invoice Other Functions
Enter title Request to
Place Order Receiving Online Searches
Import Requested
Initiate Approval List Order Invoice
Record Keeping
Data Import Approval Status Titles for
Accessioning Queries
Request to
Return Items Overdue Notices Payment request Reports
Update Title Payment Updates System Setup
Gratis Item House KeepingLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
The various functions related to acquisition are:
Checking titles for duplication
Procuring approval for new titles
Placing orders
Receiving supplies
Invoicing and accessioning
Requisition for paymentLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
Libsys Acquisition module has queries option in which queries related to
acquisition can be seen or printed like title, orders, invoices, vendors, budget
heads, accession register, etc. The various reports can also be generated by
the system, which includes approval form, purchase order, the titles on-order
list, payment request, overdue notices, accession register, bill/invoice
register, etc. The Libsys Acquisition module also maintains records for
budget heads, vendors, exchange rates for various currencies, etc. Every
module of Libsys has system setup. The System Setup function defines
various default values to be used by the system for acquisition. Every
module also has online search and in acquisition it facilitates searching
through various indexes for author, title, classified, catalogue, subject, place
and publisher. Information can also be retrieved by a search made on wards
in title and a keyword search.Libsys- Cataloguing
The Cataloguing System provides online catalogues in the various orders as it was maintained
in traditional libraries. Additionally, it makes available instant listings under a variety of
searchable fields to suit the requirements of a modern reference centre. Other than data entry
facility, the system has the additional facility to accept data in standard machine readable
formats such as CCF (ISO-2709), MARC (ANSI-Z39.x), etc. This makes possible import/export
of bibliographic data in standard exchange formats, meeting specific requirements of any
library. The system provides facilities to generate bibliographies, current awareness services
and SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information).
The Cataloguing process starts either by selecting titles-in-process which have gone through
the acquisition process or by a new entry. The maintenance function allows for maintaining a
title such as removing it, changing its accession number, merging the title in case of multiple
copies, attaching multimedia files, etc. Existing holdings of a library can be entered into the
database through the Retrospective Conversion function. Titles which are entered through this
function will not be a part of the New Additions List. Data can be imported from other
databases too.Libsys- Cataloguing Process
Dissemination of
Information (SDI)
Catalogue Cards
& Bar Codes
Title in Process
New Title
Data ImportLibsys- Cataloguing Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Titles In-Process Online Searches
Enter Title Current Awareness
Update Title Bibliographies
Update Holdings Selective Dissemination of Information
Remove Title Print Catalogue Cards
Subjects Updates Reports
Titles by Accession No. System Setup
Change Accession No. House Keeping
Retrospective Conversion Data Import/ Export
Change Type of Document Stock Verification
Merge Titles
Authority File
Multimedia Libsys- Cataloguing cont..
Following are the functions of the
Cataloguing System:
Online Searches
Current Awareness
Print Catalogue Cards
Print Cards
System Setup
Data Import/Export
Stock Verification Libsys- Cataloguing cont...
Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches, updating
the users of new additions to the library collections and information
dissemination to users on the basis of their areas of interest and
through the Online Searches, Current Awareness and SDI functions.
This module permits printing of the cataloguing cards and report
generation. The cataloguing module also facilitates Data Import/Export
process, which is used to transfer the bibliographic data available in
standard machine readable format such as MARC, ISO-2709,
DIALOG, etc. to LibSys and vice-versa. Finally it also provides for
inventory or stock verification of a library's collection.
Libsys- Circulation
The Circulation System maintains up to date membership records as well as the
latest status of the collection meant for circulation. It performs all the functions related
to circulation providing suitable checks at every stage. It takes care of infrequent but
routine functions such as bindery record management, books on display in the library,
latest additions to the library, etc. The various functions related to the Circulation
System are:-
• Member Records
• Front desk Operations
• Collection Updates
• Reservations
• Recall/Follow-up
• Inter-Library loan
• Serials Circulation
• Fine Collection
• Management ReportingLibsys- Circulation Process
Member Records Collection Update
Registration and
cancellation of
Check out/in
& Renewals
Inter Library
Reservation &
Check-out of
back issues
Binding of
Status Updates
of TitlesLibsys- Circulation Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Member Records Reports
Collection Updates System Setup
Front Desk Operations House Keeping
Reservation Enquiries
Recall/Follow-up Management Reporting
Inter-Library loan Member History
Serial Circulation Online SearchesLibsys- Circulation cont..
The Circulation system provides for all the frontdesk
operations of a library and gives access to
the titles that have been catalogued and
indexed. These titles are ready for circulation
among the library members. The details of all
the library members are also maintained by this
function. The Circulation System facilitates the
registration of members, maintenance of their
status, knowing about the status of titles in the
library, maintenance of the database, inter
library loan, collection of fine from members and
online searches. Before starting the use of the
Circulation System, some parameters can be
set by the System Setup function of this module.
The House-keeping function facilitates the
smooth running of the system.Libsys- Serial
The Serial System provides control of periodical
subscriptions and subsequent monitoring of the
scheduled arrival of individual issues. It maintains records
of the budget sanctioned for serials under different
categories, amounts encumbered and expended, thus
providing complete budgetary control. It maintains records
of serial titles, vendors/publishers, budget-heads,
currencies, exchange rates, etc. that are vital for the
maintenance of the serials database. It also handles
serials which are received gratis or in exchange.Libsys- Serial cont..
The major functions of Serial Module are:
Issues Management
Articles Indexing
Record Keeping
System Set-Up
Stock Verification
Union Catalogue
Online Searches Libsys- Article Indexing
The Article Indexing System provides the
facility to create and maintain a separate
articles database. It facilitates special
services like SDIs, listing of current
articles, bibliographies, etc. It permits the
indexing of the contents of serials in a
way that they are easily retrievable with
the help of the Online Searches,
Documentation or Bibliography options.
The function of this module can be
categorized as:
• Maintenance
• Retrievals
• Miscellaneous
• SDI Libsys- OPAC
The OPAC System is known as Online Public
Access Catalogue. The bibliographic databases
can be accessed in a manner never ever
possible before with printed indexes. The
system includes a word-based search facility
using Boolean operators that can narrow down a
search to meet very specific needs. The
following catalogues are available online:
Title Catalogue
Author Catalogue
Subject Catalogue
Classified Catalogue
KWIC Index
Place of PublicationLibsys- WebOPAC
It is an optional module and provides an advanced GUI interface to enable
searching of the library database through an industry standard Web browser
having all the features of OPAC.
Video / Interactive Mode of Tutorial
projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance Business.
1988 – Libsys 3 version was released and first installation at NIC and DOE
1995 – Libsys reached overseas with installation at Universidad Nacional,
Costa Rica for Spanish Language. Similarly British Council adopted
Libsys for India and South Asia
2000 – Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released
2003 – Lsmart RFID system was deployed at Bank of Baroda at Mumbai,
India; LSDigital –Digital Resource Management System and
LSPremia multisuite installed.
2008 - Libsys7 the state of art globally competitive Web base LMS was
2010 – Company became a Limited company as Libsys Ltd. Launched
LSAcademia, an ERP for academic institutes.LSTech Ventures Pvt Ltd
LIBSYS Family has expanded by diversifying strategically to serve new areas, under
a fully owned subsidiary LSTech Ventures Pvt. Ltd, the company is flourishing with
the new technologies.
LSAcademia - An ERP based software product for total automation of
academic campuses.
Enterprise Learning System (ELS) - The Enterprise Learning System for
formulation and end to end implementation of a Learning Strategy, Talent
Management and Knowledge Management for complete employee
File Tracking System - The RFID based file and document tracking system for
maintaining visibility of moving files in or out of the departments
LibSys – Libsys is a library management system with five modules -
Acquisition System, Cataloguing System, Circulation System, Serials System
and OPAC.Libsys Versions
LSEase is basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition. It is based on the client-server architecture and gives users a blend of
technology advantage and ease of use. LSEase requires minimal data entry and facilitates
easy data back-up. LSEase can run on any operating system and Support for multi-media
files. It has interactive, screen oriented and menu driven user interface and supports user
defined security levels with optional Web based architecture. LSEase is fully compliance with
MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW and Z39.50
LSAcademia is a complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a school,
college or an institute. It seamlessly integrates different administrative departments and
ensures a smooth flow of information among them. It is a user friendly advanced GUI Interface
which is platform Independent and has industry standard Browser interface. LSAcademia has
robust interfacing with Email, SMS, Payment Gateway, Biometrics, RFID and provides
customized, integrated Reports. The solution has ease of maintenance, enhancement and
customization.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
Libsys4 is one of the very popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various
platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN, WINDOWS NT, etc. LibSys4 has been built
around its own bibliographic database following ANSI Z39.2 format and supports
variable field lengths for different types of documents.
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability of the
library operations through its comprehensive seven modules. As a Web based
solution, it provides platform independence and advanced OPAC. LIBSYS7 provides
the competency with GWT based GUI with multitasking feature. The Libsys7 fully
supports Unicode and provides federated Searching with customizable looks. It also
supports user notification through E-mail and SMS and provides RSS feeds and
integration with Google Books, BookFinder, etc. Libsys7 has interactive features like
online reviews, ratings, renewals, reservations etc. to deliver patron satisfaction.
Libsys7 is standard compliance for MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW, Z39.50, NCIP
(NISO) and SICI Barcode.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
LSDigital is document digitization software used by libraries for the purpose of
easy management, multi-access, reduction of storage space of the document
and the preservation against spoilage of rare books, research papers, important
documents and archived newspapers, maps, etc. The software has been
designed to facilitate easy searching of text in the document. LSDigital is a
complete Digital Resource Management System (DRMS) standard compliance
with OAI for metadata harvesting and Dublin Core. The software provides implicit
integration with LIBSYS database and the full-text and bibliographic searching of
documents can be through LIBSYS OPAC. The software converts different data
into format of choice (PDF, Doc, etc.) and defines & organizes data structure /
flow according to needs. LSDigital also supports various image manipulations.
The modules include Resource Structure, Scanning, Version Maintenance,
Format Conversion, Resource Database, Maintenance and Searching and
LibSys has open-system architecture (three-tier), since its inception, and its
continuous transition, from a host multi-user system to Client-Server
implementation and finally total web-based solution.
LibSys has a powerful and user-friendly web OPAC along with a windowsbased
LibSys provides on-line validation of input data prior to updating the database.
Prompts and suitable messages are flashed when the data does not match
and 'look-up tables' provides help as and when required
LibSys handles Indian languages and scripts using ISM publisher and GIST of
C-DAC. There is an addition of UNICODE support in LibSys that facilitates
handling of both International and Indian languages.
Image and multimedia files can be integrated with LibSys search engine. They
may be browsed in multi-windows interface with standard window features.
Various formats handled by LibSys include Bitmap (.BMP), TIFF (.TIF), Wave
(.WAV), Midi (.MID), Audio-visual Interface (.AVI), etc.Libsys- Special Features cont...
LibSys can handle digital contents along with various multimedia
files and electronic resources implementation of a virtual library
is a distinct possibility.
Bar Code Printing – LibSys has an in-built utility which facilitates
printing of Bar code labels for identification of books and other
Thesaurus Construction – This capability is used in searching
for synonyms, as well as, broader and narrower terms.
Resource Sharing – Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search
engine makes possible connectivity on networks and sharing of
resources.Libsys @ IGNOU
In 1990, IGNOU library procured integrated software LibSys
to automate all the housekeeping operations. 13000 records
created in CDS/ISIS were transported to LibSys on XENIX
operating system. In 1991 LibSys with DOS operating
system was acquired by the IGNOU as the XENIX version
had a limitation of capacity. It was installed on PC-286 and
transferred to PC-386 later. In 1993 LibSys with UNIX
operating system was networked in all the sections of the
IGNOU library using 12 terminals. Finally in year 1999 the
Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system.LibSys 4 -IGNOU Library
Acquisition System
Cataloguing System
Circulation System
Serial System
Article Indexing System
OPAC SystemLibsys- Acquisition
The Acquisition System deals with ordering of library materials, monitoring
their receipt, invoice processing and accessioning. It also maintains
expenditure and budget analyses under a variety of accounts/headings.
Libsys provides the facility to add the data related to purchases, gifts and
exchanges. The acquisition process in Libsys consists of:
Selecting materials for a library;
Placing orders for the supply of books to be purchased;
Processing materials received as gifts;
Arranging for exchange of books;
Receiving the books in the library;
Accessioning them; and
Passing the bill for payment for the books purchased.
Libsys- Acquisition Module
Initiate Title Approval Process Ordering Invoice Other Functions
Enter title Request to
Place Order Receiving Online Searches
Import Requested
Initiate Approval List Order Invoice
Record Keeping
Data Import Approval Status Titles for
Accessioning Queries
Request to
Return Items Overdue Notices Payment request Reports
Update Title Payment Updates System Setup
Gratis Item House KeepingLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
The various functions related to acquisition are:
Checking titles for duplication
Procuring approval for new titles
Placing orders
Receiving supplies
Invoicing and accessioning
Requisition for paymentLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
Libsys Acquisition module has queries option in which queries related to
acquisition can be seen or printed like title, orders, invoices, vendors, budget
heads, accession register, etc. The various reports can also be generated by
the system, which includes approval form, purchase order, the titles on-order
list, payment request, overdue notices, accession register, bill/invoice
register, etc. The Libsys Acquisition module also maintains records for
budget heads, vendors, exchange rates for various currencies, etc. Every
module of Libsys has system setup. The System Setup function defines
various default values to be used by the system for acquisition. Every
module also has online search and in acquisition it facilitates searching
through various indexes for author, title, classified, catalogue, subject, place
and publisher. Information can also be retrieved by a search made on wards
in title and a keyword search.Libsys- Cataloguing
The Cataloguing System provides online catalogues in the various orders as it was maintained
in traditional libraries. Additionally, it makes available instant listings under a variety of
searchable fields to suit the requirements of a modern reference centre. Other than data entry
facility, the system has the additional facility to accept data in standard machine readable
formats such as CCF (ISO-2709), MARC (ANSI-Z39.x), etc. This makes possible import/export
of bibliographic data in standard exchange formats, meeting specific requirements of any
library. The system provides facilities to generate bibliographies, current awareness services
and SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information).
The Cataloguing process starts either by selecting titles-in-process which have gone through
the acquisition process or by a new entry. The maintenance function allows for maintaining a
title such as removing it, changing its accession number, merging the title in case of multiple
copies, attaching multimedia files, etc. Existing holdings of a library can be entered into the
database through the Retrospective Conversion function. Titles which are entered through this
function will not be a part of the New Additions List. Data can be imported from other
databases too.Libsys- Cataloguing Process
Dissemination of
Information (SDI)
Catalogue Cards
& Bar Codes
Title in Process
New Title
Data ImportLibsys- Cataloguing Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Titles In-Process Online Searches
Enter Title Current Awareness
Update Title Bibliographies
Update Holdings Selective Dissemination of Information
Remove Title Print Catalogue Cards
Subjects Updates Reports
Titles by Accession No. System Setup
Change Accession No. House Keeping
Retrospective Conversion Data Import/ Export
Change Type of Document Stock Verification
Merge Titles
Authority File
Multimedia Libsys- Cataloguing cont..
Following are the functions of the
Cataloguing System:
Online Searches
Current Awareness
Print Catalogue Cards
Print Cards
System Setup
Data Import/Export
Stock Verification Libsys- Cataloguing cont...
Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches, updating
the users of new additions to the library collections and information
dissemination to users on the basis of their areas of interest and
through the Online Searches, Current Awareness and SDI functions.
This module permits printing of the cataloguing cards and report
generation. The cataloguing module also facilitates Data Import/Export
process, which is used to transfer the bibliographic data available in
standard machine readable format such as MARC, ISO-2709,
DIALOG, etc. to LibSys and vice-versa. Finally it also provides for
inventory or stock verification of a library's collection.Libsys- Circulation
The Circulation System maintains up to date membership records as well as the
latest status of the collection meant for circulation. It performs all the functions related
to circulation providing suitable checks at every stage. It takes care of infrequent but
routine functions such as bindery record management, books on display in the library,
latest additions to the library, etc. The various functions related to the Circulation
System are:-
• Member Records
• Front desk Operations
• Collection Updates
• Reservations
• Recall/Follow-up
• Inter-Library loan
• Serials Circulation
• Fine Collection
• Management ReportingLibsys- Circulation Process
Member Records Collection Update
Registration and
cancellation of
Check out/in
& Renewals
Inter Library
Reservation &
Check-out of
back issues
Binding of
Status Updates
of TitlesLibsys- Circulation Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Member Records Reports
Collection Updates System Setup
Front Desk Operations House Keeping
Reservation Enquiries
Recall/Follow-up Management Reporting
Inter-Library loan Member History
Serial Circulation Online Searches
Circulation cont..
The Circulation system provides for all the frontdesk
operations of a library and gives access to
the titles that have been catalogued and
indexed. These titles are ready for circulation
among the library members. The details of all
the library members are also maintained by this
function. The Circulation System facilitates the
registration of members, maintenance of their
status, knowing about the status of titles in the
library, maintenance of the database, inter
library loan, collection of fine from members and
online searches. Before starting the use of the
Circulation System, some parameters can be
set by the System Setup function of this module.
The House-keeping function facilitates the
smooth running of the system.Libsys- Serial
The Serial System provides control of periodical
subscriptions and subsequent monitoring of the
scheduled arrival of individual issues. It maintains records
of the budget sanctioned for serials under different
categories, amounts encumbered and expended, thus
providing complete budgetary control. It maintains records
of serial titles, vendors/publishers, budget-heads,
currencies, exchange rates, etc. that are vital for the
maintenance of the serials database. It also handles
serials which are received gratis or in exchange.Libsys- Serial cont..
The major functions of Serial Module are:
Issues Management
Articles Indexing
Record Keeping
System Set-Up
Stock Verification
Union Catalogue
Online Searches Libsys- Article Indexing
The Article Indexing System provides the
facility to create and maintain a separate
articles database. It facilitates special
services like SDIs, listing of current
articles, bibliographies, etc. It permits the
indexing of the contents of serials in a
way that they are easily retrievable with
the help of the Online Searches,
Documentation or Bibliography options.
The function of this module can be
categorized as:
• Maintenance
• Retrievals
• Miscellaneous
• SDI Libsys- OPAC
The OPAC System is known as Online Public
Access Catalogue. The bibliographic databases
can be accessed in a manner never ever
possible before with printed indexes. The
system includes a word-based search facility
using Boolean operators that can narrow down a
search to meet very specific needs. The
following catalogues are available online:
Title Catalogue
Author Catalogue
Subject Catalogue
Classified Catalogue
KWIC Index
Place of PublicationLibsys- WebOPAC
It is an optional module and provides an advanced GUI interface to enable
searching of the library database through an industry standard Web browser
having all the features of OPACLibsys 7
Libsys 7 is a Web centric system based on LIBSYS providing access through industry
standard Web Browsers. LIBSYST is quite comprehensive and covers functions in
the following integrated modules. The value added feature of Libsys 7 from Libsys 4
LIBSYST has following additional value added features!
Browser based Web Client
GWT compliant Web Interface
Full Unicode Support (Indian and Foreign scnpts)
Meta data (MARC21 / Dublin Core)
E- Resources Management
Z39.50; SRU/W compliance for Net Cataloguing
Use of preferred RDBMS (Oracle / SQL Server / MySQL/ PostgreSQL)
OAI-PMH for harvesting OAI repositories
New Web OPAC InterfaceLibsys7 cont..
Federated Search on Z39.50; SRU/w; LIBSYS databases
RSS Feeds for providing additional information to the users
OPAC Enrichment Services for enriched bibliographic
information (TOC, Cover Image, summary, Annotation, etc,)
on library resources
Users' reviews/ rating of titles
Users' feedback and recommendations
Library Bulletin Board
User defined Reports
Add-on option for NCIP compliance (NISO Circulation
Interchange Protocol) for integration with RFID devices
Add-on option for integration with ERP SystemsComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
1. Technology Complete Web based system Client Server Architecture with windows
client. Web OPAC is browser based
User Interface based on Google Web
Toolkit (GWT) providing contemporary
look and feel.
Feature not available
Supports multitasking. At single point of
time multiple screens can be opened
Multiple screens cannot be opened
Centralised IP based administrative
console to monitor the usage of ILMS on
Client based on the installed system the
usage can be monitored
2. Federated Search Federated Searching of databases
including Libsys databases on Net
(Handles Z39.50, SRU/W and many
otherstandard protocols)
No federated searchingComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
3. Unicode Fully Unicode enabled which supports
Indian and Foreign scripts both.
Supports ASCII only for English and
regional languages.
4. RDBMS Backend Standard Libsys database on MysSQL
RDBMS backend (Option for oracle/
sql server/ postgreSQL also are
RDBMS backend only available as
5. MARC 21 MARC 21/Dublin Core support for
Meta Data
Default support for Meta data in
Libsys format. MARC 21 support
available as Add-on.
Comprehensive implementation of
TAG 856 for electronic resources
Limited support for E Resources
Option for Holdings Data and
Authority Data in MARC 21
In Libsys format only
Journals data in MARC 21 Not available in Libsys 4
Patron Data in MARC 21 Standard format of LibsysComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
6. Net Cataloguing Net cataloguing accessing database
with standard protocols such as
Z39.50, SRU/W etc including Libsys
Catalogue downloading from
databases using Z39.50 only
OAI-PMH support for Meta data
harvesting from OAI repositories in
Meta data harvesting not available
7. WebOPAC Enhanced Web OPAC interface using
Google WebToolkit (GWT) with
powerful 'LSearch'
Simple web interface
OPAC enrichment by extended
Bibliographic Services (Syndetics) or
linking with Amazon, Google,
Library Anything, sites.
Not AvailableComparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
7. WebOPAC RSS Feeds for Recent additions and
many other options providing
additional information in OPAC
These are not available
Reviews / rating of titles by users
through OPAC
Not Available
Facility to select entries in Search
Results in OPAC for attaching in email
/ downloading
No facility of attaching and e-mail.
Auto-Indexing of newly added
Bibliographic records thereby
making available up-to-date OPAC
all the time.
Command based indexing for new
addition of bibliographic records to
Comparison between Libsys 7 and Libsys 4 cont..
S.No. Feature Libsys7 Libsys4
8. Report
Web interface for Report
Generator which enables
customization of default
reports in Libsys and defining
new reports. Option for Chart/
Graphic representation in
Not available in Libsys4
9. Others Automatic registration of
journal issues through SICI
Not possible in Libsys4
Integration with existing
Limited options availableScreen Shots of Libsys 7Acquistion in Libsys7Cataloguing in Libsys7Circulation in Libsys7Serial Control in Libsys7Article Indexing in Libsys7OPAC Search in Libsys7Administrative Setup in Libsys7Conclusion
Libsys Ltd is providing a set of value-added services
such as Automated Library Software, Digital Resource
Management, Open Source GWT (Google Web Toolkit),
and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). LibSys is
integrated multiuser library management software that
caters to the needs of an advanced library and
information professionals and the users. It provides a
tree structure system with each system comprising of
several sub-systems having unmatchable depth in
functionality. Recently it has also introduced the
LSearch App for mobile device which provides a quick,
efficient and portable way of remaining connected to the
1. Namrata Rai, Shailendra Kumar, (2011) "Comparative features of
integrated library management software systems available in Delhi",
Electronic Library, The, Vol. 29 Iss: 1, pp.121 – 146
2. Libsys Ltd www.libsys.co.in
3. Harinarayana, N. S. (1997) Acquisitions through libsys: An
experience. Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and
Information Studies, 34 (4). pp. 163-172
4. Neela Jagannathan. Library System and Information Services at the
Indira Gandhi National Open University, AAOU ’98 – Asian Librarians’
Roundtable. Available at
Q1 LibSys is a software company named as?
A Info-Tek Consultancy Ltd
B Info-Asia Consultants Pvt. Ltd
C Infotech Consultants Pvt. Ltd
D Info-Tek Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Info-Tek Consultants Pvt. Ltd ]MCQ OCLC
Q2 The Libsys company was started in the year ?
A 1982
Feedback for
Correct Option
[The Libsys company was incorporated with the software
development projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance
Business]MCQ OCLC
Q3 Why was Libsys 4 version released?
A To provide web based application
B To solve the bugs of Libsys 2
C To have Y2K migration and Client Server
D To change the operating system of the software
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released in year
2000 as Libsys4 version]MCQ OCLC
Q4 How many modules are there in Libsys?
A Seven
B Nine
C Six
D Ten
Feedback for
Correct Option
[There are six modules in libsys i.e. Acquisition, Cataloguing,
Circulation, Article Indexing and OPAC]MCQ OCLC
Q5 Which veriosn of Libsys has integration with existing ERP/MIS ?
A Libsys4
B Libsys7
C LSDigital
D None of the above
Feedback for
Correct Option
[Libsys7]TOF OCLC
Libsys4 fully supports Unicode and
provides federated Searching
<Correct Ans> Flase
Feedback < Libsys7 supports Unicode and
provides federated searching>TOF OCLC
Libsys has been a limited company since
its inception ?
Feedback < In 2010 Libsys become a
Limited company>TOF OCLC
LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user
library management systems
<Correct Ans> True
Feedback TOF OCLC
LSEase is advanced library management
modules of Libsys giving prospects a
high cost and high value proposition
<Correct Ans> Flase
Feedback < LSEase is basic library management modules
of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition>TOF OCLC
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0
and provides end to end manageability
of the library operations .
<Correct Ans> True
Feedback < >FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
1 Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search engine makes possible
connectivity on networks and sharing of resources
Correct Answer Z39.50
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
2 In year 1999 the Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system in IGNOU
Correct Answer 1999
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
3 Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches
Correct Answer Boolean
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
4 The Serial System provides control of periodical subscriptions and
subsequent monitoring of the scheduled arrival of individual issues
Correct Answer Periodical
Feedback [Feedback, if any]FIB OCLC
Answer: Apple, Macintosh
5 OPAC System is known as Online Public Access Catalogue
Correct Answer Open Public Access
Feedback [Feedback, if any]MCH OCLC
Q. No. Match the following Structure of JANET (column A)with
corresponding feature (column B)
Column A Column B
LSEase A basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a
low cost and high value proposition
LSAcademia A complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a
school, college or an institute
Libsys4 A popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various platforms
Libsys7 A true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability
of the library operations .
LIBSYS - Introduction
• LibSys is a New Delhi-based software company – Info-Tek
Consultants Pvt. Ltd which has a mission of library
• The company is engaged in providing software solutions
since the year 1984.
• LibSys is integrated multi-user library management
software that caters to the needs of an advanced library
and information professionals. It provides a tree structure
system with each system comprising of several subsystems
having unmatchable depth in functionality.LIBSYS- TECHNOLOGY
• The LibSys is a group of integrated multi-user library
management systems.
• It runs on various platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN,
• It is built around its own bibliographic database following
ANSI Z39.2 format and supports variable field lengths for
different types of documents.
• It is a powerful software written in `C / C++'and 'Java' providing
extremely user friendly interface during operations.
• LibSys is based on its own Bibliographic database, it is also
available for environment using ORACLE (or SQL Server or
MySQL) as back-end RDBMS. Full Graphical User Interface
(GUI) front-end is provided for the windows client.LIBSYS- History
1984 – The Libsys company was incorporated with the software development
projects for General Insurance and Reinsurance Business.
1988 – Libsys 3 version was released and first installation at NIC and DOE
1995 – Libsys reached overseas with installation at Universidad Nacional,
Costa Rica for Spanish Language. Similarly British Council adopted
Libsys for India and South Asia
2000 – Y2K migration and Client Server Libsys4 was released
2003 – Lsmart RFID system was deployed at Bank of Baroda at Mumbai,
India; LSDigital –Digital Resource Management System and
LSPremia multisuite installed.
2008 - Libsys7 the state of art globally competitive Web base LMS was
2010 – Company became a Limited company as Libsys Ltd. Launched
LSAcademia, an ERP for academic institutes.LSTech Ventures Pvt Ltd
LIBSYS Family has expanded by diversifying strategically to serve new areas, under
a fully owned subsidiary LSTech Ventures Pvt. Ltd, the company is flourishing with
the new technologies.
LSAcademia - An ERP based software product for total automation of
academic campuses.
Enterprise Learning System (ELS) - The Enterprise Learning System for
formulation and end to end implementation of a Learning Strategy, Talent
Management and Knowledge Management for complete employee
File Tracking System - The RFID based file and document tracking system for
maintaining visibility of moving files in or out of the departments
LibSys – Libsys is a library management system with five modules -
Acquisition System, Cataloguing System, Circulation System, Serials System
and OPAC.Libsys Versions
LSEase is basic library management modules of Libsys giving prospects a low cost and high
value proposition. It is based on the client-server architecture and gives users a blend of
technology advantage and ease of use. LSEase requires minimal data entry and facilitates
easy data back-up. LSEase can run on any operating system and Support for multi-media
files. It has interactive, screen oriented and menu driven user interface and supports user
defined security levels with optional Web based architecture. LSEase is fully compliance with
MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW and Z39.50
LSAcademia is a complete ERP Solution to manage an Academic Campus be it a school,
college or an institute. It seamlessly integrates different administrative departments and
ensures a smooth flow of information among them. It is a user friendly advanced GUI Interface
which is platform Independent and has industry standard Browser interface. LSAcademia has
robust interfacing with Email, SMS, Payment Gateway, Biometrics, RFID and provides
customized, integrated Reports. The solution has ease of maintenance, enhancement and
customization.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
Libsys4 is one of the very popular versions of Libsys which can be runs on various
platforms such as UNIX, NOVELL LAN, WINDOWS NT, etc. LibSys4 has been built
around its own bibliographic database following ANSI Z39.2 format and supports
variable field lengths for different types of documents.
LIBSYS7 is a true realization of Lib 2.0 and provides end to end manageability of the
library operations through its comprehensive seven modules. As a Web based
solution, it provides platform independence and advanced OPAC. LIBSYS7 provides
the competency with GWT based GUI with multitasking feature. The Libsys7 fully
supports Unicode and provides federated Searching with customizable looks. It also
supports user notification through E-mail and SMS and provides RSS feeds and
integration with Google Books, BookFinder, etc. Libsys7 has interactive features like
online reviews, ratings, renewals, reservations etc. to deliver patron satisfaction.
Libsys7 is standard compliance for MARC21, Unicode, SRU/SRW, Z39.50, NCIP
(NISO) and SICI Barcode.Libsys Versions.... Cont.
LSDigital is document digitization software used by libraries for the purpose of
easy management, multi-access, reduction of storage space of the document
and the preservation against spoilage of rare books, research papers, important
documents and archived newspapers, maps, etc. The software has been
designed to facilitate easy searching of text in the document. LSDigital is a
complete Digital Resource Management System (DRMS) standard compliance
with OAI for metadata harvesting and Dublin Core. The software provides implicit
integration with LIBSYS database and the full-text and bibliographic searching of
documents can be through LIBSYS OPAC. The software converts different data
into format of choice (PDF, Doc, etc.) and defines & organizes data structure /
flow according to needs. LSDigital also supports various image manipulations.
The modules include Resource Structure, Scanning, Version Maintenance,
Format Conversion, Resource Database, Maintenance and Searching and
Retrievals.Libsys- Special Features
LibSys has open-system architecture (three-tier), since its inception, and its
continuous transition, from a host multi-user system to Client-Server
implementation and finally total web-based solution.
LibSys has a powerful and user-friendly web OPAC along with a windowsbased
LibSys provides on-line validation of input data prior to updating the database.
Prompts and suitable messages are flashed when the data does not match
and 'look-up tables' provides help as and when required
LibSys handles Indian languages and scripts using ISM publisher and GIST of
C-DAC. There is an addition of UNICODE support in LibSys that facilitates
handling of both International and Indian languages.
Image and multimedia files can be integrated with LibSys search engine. They
may be browsed in multi-windows interface with standard window features.
Various formats handled by LibSys include Bitmap (.BMP), TIFF (.TIF), Wave
(.WAV), Midi (.MID), Audio-visual Interface (.AVI), etc.Libsys- Special Features cont...
LibSys can handle digital contents along with various multimedia
files and electronic resources implementation of a virtual library
is a distinct possibility.
Bar Code Printing – LibSys has an in-built utility which facilitates
printing of Bar code labels for identification of books and other
Thesaurus Construction – This capability is used in searching
for synonyms, as well as, broader and narrower terms.
Resource Sharing – Z39.50 compliant feature of LibSys search
engine makes possible connectivity on networks and sharing of
resources.Libsys @ IGNOU
In 1990, IGNOU library procured integrated software LibSys
to automate all the housekeeping operations. 13000 records
created in CDS/ISIS were transported to LibSys on XENIX
operating system. In 1991 LibSys with DOS operating
system was acquired by the IGNOU as the XENIX version
had a limitation of capacity. It was installed on PC-286 and
transferred to PC-386 later. In 1993 LibSys with UNIX
operating system was networked in all the sections of the
IGNOU library using 12 terminals. Finally in year 1999 the
Libsys4 was installed on RedHat system.LibSys 4 -IGNOU Library
Acquisition System
Cataloguing System
Circulation System
Serial System
Article Indexing System
OPAC SystemLibsys- Acquisition
The Acquisition System deals with ordering of library materials, monitoring
their receipt, invoice processing and accessioning. It also maintains
expenditure and budget analyses under a variety of accounts/headings.
Libsys provides the facility to add the data related to purchases, gifts and
exchanges. The acquisition process in Libsys consists of:
Selecting materials for a library;
Placing orders for the supply of books to be purchased;
Processing materials received as gifts;
Arranging for exchange of books;
Receiving the books in the library;
Accessioning them; and
Passing the bill for payment for the books purchased. Libsys- Acquisition Process
Initiate Title
InvoicingLibsys- Acquisition Module
Initiate Title Approval Process Ordering Invoice Other Functions
Enter title Request to
Place Order Receiving Online Searches
Import Requested
Initiate Approval List Order Invoice
Record Keeping
Data Import Approval Status Titles for
Accessioning Queries
Request to
Return Items Overdue Notices Payment request Reports
Update Title Payment Updates System Setup
Gratis Item House KeepingLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
The various functions related to acquisition are:
Checking titles for duplication
Procuring approval for new titles
Placing orders
Receiving supplies
Invoicing and accessioning
Requisition for paymentLibsys- Acquisition Cont..
Libsys Acquisition module has queries option in which queries related to
acquisition can be seen or printed like title, orders, invoices, vendors, budget
heads, accession register, etc. The various reports can also be generated by
the system, which includes approval form, purchase order, the titles on-order
list, payment request, overdue notices, accession register, bill/invoice
register, etc. The Libsys Acquisition module also maintains records for
budget heads, vendors, exchange rates for various currencies, etc. Every
module of Libsys has system setup. The System Setup function defines
various default values to be used by the system for acquisition. Every
module also has online search and in acquisition it facilitates searching
through various indexes for author, title, classified, catalogue, subject, place
and publisher. Information can also be retrieved by a search made on wards
in title and a keyword search.Libsys- Cataloguing
The Cataloguing System provides online catalogues in the various orders as it was maintained
in traditional libraries. Additionally, it makes available instant listings under a variety of
searchable fields to suit the requirements of a modern reference centre. Other than data entry
facility, the system has the additional facility to accept data in standard machine readable
formats such as CCF (ISO-2709), MARC (ANSI-Z39.x), etc. This makes possible import/export
of bibliographic data in standard exchange formats, meeting specific requirements of any
library. The system provides facilities to generate bibliographies, current awareness services
and SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information).
The Cataloguing process starts either by selecting titles-in-process which have gone through
the acquisition process or by a new entry. The maintenance function allows for maintaining a
title such as removing it, changing its accession number, merging the title in case of multiple
copies, attaching multimedia files, etc. Existing holdings of a library can be entered into the
database through the Retrospective Conversion function. Titles which are entered through this
function will not be a part of the New Additions List. Data can be imported from other
databases too.Libsys- Cataloguing Process
Dissemination of
Information (SDI)
Catalogue Cards
& Bar Codes
Title in Process
New Title
Data ImportLibsys- Cataloguing Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Titles In-Process Online Searches
Enter Title Current Awareness
Update Title Bibliographies
Update Holdings Selective Dissemination of Information
Remove Title Print Catalogue Cards
Subjects Updates Reports
Titles by Accession No. System Setup
Change Accession No. House Keeping
Retrospective Conversion Data Import/ Export
Change Type of Document Stock Verification
Merge Titles
Authority File
Multimedia Libsys- Cataloguing cont..
Following are the functions of the
Cataloguing System:
Online Searches
Current Awareness
Print Catalogue Cards
Print Cards
System Setup
Data Import/Export
Stock Verification Libsys- Cataloguing cont...
Libsys Cataloguing System also facilitates boolean searches, updating
the users of new additions to the library collections and information
dissemination to users on the basis of their areas of interest and
through the Online Searches, Current Awareness and SDI functions.
This module permits printing of the cataloguing cards and report
generation. The cataloguing module also facilitates Data Import/Export
process, which is used to transfer the bibliographic data available in
standard machine readable format such as MARC, ISO-2709,
DIALOG, etc. to LibSys and vice-versa. Finally it also provides for
inventory or stock verification of a library's collection.
Libsys- Circulation
The Circulation System maintains up to date membership records as well as the
latest status of the collection meant for circulation. It performs all the functions related
to circulation providing suitable checks at every stage. It takes care of infrequent but
routine functions such as bindery record management, books on display in the library,
latest additions to the library, etc. The various functions related to the Circulation
System are:-
• Member Records
• Front desk Operations
• Collection Updates
• Reservations
• Recall/Follow-up
• Inter-Library loan
• Serials Circulation
• Fine Collection
• Management ReportingLibsys- Circulation Process
Member Records Collection Update
Registration and
cancellation of
Check out/in
& Renewals
Inter Library
Reservation &
Check-out of
back issues
Binding of
Status Updates
of TitlesLibsys- Circulation Module
Main Functions Other Functions
Member Records Reports
Collection Updates System Setup
Front Desk Operations House Keeping
Reservation Enquiries
Recall/Follow-up Management Reporting
Inter-Library loan Member History
Serial Circulation Online SearchesLibsys- Circulation cont..
The Circulation system provides for all the frontdesk
operations of a library and gives access to
the titles that have been catalogued and
indexed. These titles are ready for circulation
among the library members. The details of all
the library members are also maintained by this
function. The Circulation System facilitates the
registration of members, maintenance of their
status, knowing about the status of titles in the
library, maintenance of the database, inter
library loan, collection of fine from members and
online searches. Before starting the use of the
Circulation System, some parameters can be
set by the System Setup function of this module.
The House-keeping function facilitates the
smooth running of the system.Libsys- Serial
The Serial System provides control of periodical
subscriptions and subsequent monitoring of the
scheduled arrival of individual issues. It maintains records
of the budget sanctioned for serials under different
categories, amounts encumbered and expended, thus
providing complete budgetary control. It maintains records
of serial titles, vendors/publishers, budget-heads,
currencies, exchange rates, etc. that are vital for the
maintenance of the serials database. It also handles
serials which are received gratis or in exchange.Libsys- Serial cont..
The major functions of Serial Module are:
Issues Management
Articles Indexing
Record Keeping
System Set-Up
Stock Verification
Union Catalogue
Online Searches Libsys- Article Indexing
The Article Indexing System provides the
facility to create and maintain a separate
articles database. It facilitates special
services like SDIs, listing of current
articles, bibliographies, etc. It permits the
indexing of the contents of serials in a
way that they are easily retrievable with
the help of the Online Searches,
Documentation or Bibliography options.
The function of this module can be
categorized as:
• Maintenance
• Retrievals
• Miscellaneous
• SDI Libsys- OPAC
The OPAC System is known as Online Public
Access Catalogue. The bibliographic databases
can be accessed in a manner never ever
possible before with printed indexes. The
system includes a word-based search facility
using Boolean operators that can narrow down a
search to meet very specific needs. The
following catalogues are available online:
Title Catalogue
Author Catalogue
Subject Catalogue
Classified Catalogue
KWIC Index
Place of PublicationLibsys- WebOPAC
It is an optional module and provides an advanced GUI interface to enable
searching of the library database through an industry standard Web browser
having all the features of OPAC.
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