इस ब्लॉग्स को सृजन करने में आप सभी से सादर सुझाव आमंत्रित हैं , कृपया अपने सुझाव और प्रविष्टियाँ प्रेषित करे , इसका संपूर्ण कार्य क्षेत्र विश्व ज्ञान समुदाय हैं , जो सभी प्रतियोगियों के कॅरिअर निर्माण महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान देगा ,आप अपने सुझाव इस मेल पत्ते पर भेज सकते हैं - chandrashekhar.malav@yahoo.com
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2. 2. Development Team
Role Name Affiliation
National Coordinator
Subject Coordinator
Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director,
INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar,
Paper Coordinator Dr Pawan Kumar Gupta Former Director, Rajasthan
University Library,
University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur – 302004
Content Writer/Author
Prof. R. S. R.
Head, Department of LIS,
University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur – 302004
Content Reviewer (CR) Dr Usha Pawan Former Head, Department
of LIS, University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur – 302004
Language Editor (LE)
Library Science
Management of Library and Information Network
1. Introduction
2. Information Services – Origins in libraries
2.1 Reference
2.2 Documentation
2.3. Information services
2.4. Online services
2.5. Growth of Information services in India
3. Changing practices of Information services
3.1 Sub-topic 1
3.2 Sub-topic 2
4. Current trends in information services
Library Science
Management of Library and Information Network
Information Services
1. Introduction
Information is the basis of all communication. The intrinsic value of information lies in its transmission and
utilization. However information is complex in nature as it is hidden in various forms and formats. The
communication of information from the generation point to use point is a multistage process. The users
would like to access information that should be relevant to the context, accurate for the purpose, complete for
the problem and reliable. Therefore libraries are acting as channels to bridge the gap between the static
information and dynamic user and facilitate continuous flow of relevant information to the users. While
studying the information communication you might have studied about the barriers to communication like
exponential growth, time, space, culture, language etc. To overcome each barrier different types of
information services have been introduced from time to time by libraries.
Suseela Kumar observed that “A reader may need a specific type of information for a specific purpose. The
number of documents are produced is very large, so large that it is impossible for the reader to keep track of
its information” Hence the library’s / librarians’ main function is to provide the ‘connecting link’ between the
reader and the book and set the ideas, information and knowledge in motion. For this purpose the LIS
professionals have developed the various services with information retrieval as motto. The definition given
by A. L. A. Glossary of Library Terms will enable you to understand the concept more clearly. According to
it, service means “An agency which supplies information especially current data, in easily available form, not
readily available otherwise”. So the libraries are the agencies that provide services for its members. The
‘service’ component develops high degree of rapport between library staff and users. The information
services as you observe in libraries today were redesigned and reoriented from time to time suitable to user
demands. Indeed the concept of information services has a long history that can be traced back from 19th
century reference service to the present digital services. In the following paragraphs you can have an
overview of the trends in the development of information services.
2. Evolution of concept of information service
The concept of information service has its roots in the ‘personal assistance’ offered in the public libraries of
U.S.A. Later various services have emerged under the umbrella term ‘information services. The growth of
the concept is presented under reference, documentation, information, and online services.
2.1. Reference service: In the earliest period the function of the libraries was to collect and preserve reading
material. The scholar knows most of the books and the authors in his subject as the publications are limited
hence no expectation for assistance from the librarian for information gathering or access. After inventing the
printing press there was gradual growth in publication activity and the libraries collections were increased
significantly. It was no longer possible for the scholars to locate the book and or information without
assistance from the librarians. The initial stages of personal assistance were rudimentary and quite peripheral
to the library’s main function of acquisition, arrangement, and supply until the emergence of reference service
Library Science
Management of Library and Information Network
in the last quarter of 19th century. According to ‘World Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science
“Reference service had its beginning in the last quarter of 19th century. By the time of World War II,
most of its basic forms and techniques had been developed. Most historians of reference service find it
convenient to begin with Samuel Swett Green’s 1876 paper, “Personal relations between Librarians
and Readers” at a conference in Philadelphia. Until that time, the predominant view of the function of
library service emphasized the acquisition and organization of library materials, and the library
clientele were expected to use the material independently. Green, on the other hand, pointed that library
users were unskilled in using the catalogue to find materials and lacked knowledge necessary to select
the material appropriate to their needs. Personal assistance to such users would benefit them and would
result in their taking a more positive view of the library.”
Green’s observations and suggestions were made with reference to public libraries. The idea got momentum
with acceptance by eminent personalities like Melvil Dewey who advocated the concept of reference service.
Thus the concepts of ‘aid to reader’ and ‘assistance to reader’ were initiated and by 1890 the terms were
replaced by ‘reference work’. Early part of 20th century witnessed the establishment of separate reference
departments in libraries with trained staff for the purpose. Public libraries in USA have drawn the attention of
the government and the public, introducing noteworthy services like ‘special publics’, ‘bibliotherapy’ etc.
2.2. Documentation: The emergence of primary research findings in the form of journals and research
reports and their phenomenal growth in 20th century lead the libraries to devise the new types of services It
was the Second World War that necessitated speedy dissemination of information in education and scientific
research. Consequently, the provision of assistance to the user was accepted as a central activity of the library.
Listing of articles published in journals in narrow subject areas became a necessity to provide access to
current information. Thus the concept of ‘Documentation’ was emerged. Its focus is on latest information
published in primary information sources. Documentation is a process of collecting and subject classifying all
the records of new observations and making them available at need to the discoverer and inventor (S.C.
Bradford). According to S.R.Ranganathan it is promotion and practice of bringing into use nascent micro
thought by a specialist, which is pin pointed, exhaustive and expeditious. However this service was confined
in general to special libraries.
2.3. Information service: The growth of special libraries to disseminate scientific and technical information
to scientists and researchers lead to the development of ‘information service’, an umbrella term that includes
reference, alert, review, analysis and consolidation types of services. According to D.J.Foskett “It is mainly in
scientific and industrial research that the “information service” or “information library” has developed most
strikingly into its present characteristic form.” “While the major features of information services were
developed by the mid-20th century, their particular concerns and activities are continually changing as user
needs and information resources change.” (World Enc., 1980).
The services are provided in anticipation of an expressed need or in response to identified needs.
The services may range from directional, actual search for information, extraction and synthesis of
information to delivery of information.
They gained significance as all other activities of library like selection, acquisition, technical
processing and shelf arrangement are considered as means to make the services possible.
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In a parallel development public libraries of the West began in 1970s Information and Referral services using
unconventional resources like experts from the community, information relating to basic needs like food,
health, housing, employment etc. (Enc. of LIS 25:222).
2.4. Online services: The application of computer to the problems of information storage, processing and
retrieval had brought in revolutionary changes in the nature of information services especially in special and
higher educational institution libraries. From 1960s the secondary sources like indexes and abstracts are made
available as databases following MARC format. Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), the
personalized service was introduced by H. P. Luhn of IBM in 1959. Similar service called as Current
Awarenessto offer alerts at regular intervals in a subject had been developed.
At present a variety of services are being offered online like virtual reference desk, bulletin board, e-mail,
RSS, wikis, semantic web and ontology etc. “Online services provide an infrastructure in which
subscribers can communicate with one another, either by exchanging e-mail messages or by
participating in online conferences(forums). In addition, the service can connect users with an
almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.” (Webopedia
2.5. Growth of Information Services in India
In India the concept of ‘service’ to reader was late compared to the western world of libraries. S. R.
Ranganathan started reference service in Madras University in 1926 and in 1937 the post of reference
librarian was created at Madras University. In order to meet the changing information requirements,
especially the scientists, documentation service was introduced after Second World War. This was a
phenomenon of special libraries / information centres and other types of libraries continued with traditional
reference services. The establishment of National Documentation Centres like INSDOC, NASSDOC,
SENDOC, DESIDOC etc.; NISSAT; and U.G.C. National Information Centres like NCSI, Bangalore; NIC
for Humanities and LIS at SNDT, Mumbai; NIC for Social Sciences at M. S. University, Baroda (Ceased
their existence after INFLIBNET) facilitated implementation of variety of information services to users of
specialized subject areas working in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs), Research and Development
Units of research and industrial organizations. At present INFLIBNET (1990) caters to the information
requirements of HEIs while the networks like CSIRNET, DELNET, DRONA meets the user needs of
specific subjects.
3. Changing practices of Information services
The provision of information services depends on two important factors:
The nature of information sources that keeps on changing from clay tablets, to digital tablets.
The nature of user information in terms of their approach, need, demand and seeking behavior
that keeps on changing in relation to the work on hand.
Therefore the essential objective of information service is identifying the user’s need, selecting information
resources to meet that need and assisting the user in finding and using those resources. Though there is no
change in the objective of service the process of serving users underwent significant changes. The following
paragraphs explain briefly the changing patterns of information services.
Basically the reference service has a gradual growth as reader’s advisory (1920s), instruction / guidance and
information search and retrieval.
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Reader’s advisory to assist the readers in selecting the ‘best’ books;
Instruction services to improve reading habits and search capabilities among the users especially in
public and academic libraries;
Provision of information / answer to reference query (short range reference) with reference interview
as a tool to assess the need; literature search and retrieval (long range reference) depending on the
nature of question (1930s)
Compilation of subject bibliographies as an extension of long range reference
Alerting services, in anticipation of user requirements, through bulletins, lists, routing of documents
Delivery of information through borrowing, reprography and translation.
The pattern was initiated in public and academic libraries and in fact even today it is visible in majority of
these libraries.
However remarkable changes are evident in special libraries that centered on current literature in specific
subject areas. They have adopted different mechanisms to offer services to target groups after assessing their
information requirements. S.Seetharama has listed some of the basic mechanisms and the corresponding
services provided by an information centre of a research / scientific / industrial organizations as follows:
Mechanism Service
1. Reference/ Referral Reference service
2. Announcement Current Awareness Services
3. Accretion Indexing and abstracting services
4. Evaluation State-of-the-art report,/Trend Report,
Critical Compilation and Reviews etc
5. Document access Reprographic and translation services.
6. Promotion / Liaison Liaison services; Technical enquiry
According to Seetharama the first four mechanisms generate information services while the last two mechanism
lead to support services. Thus in the traditional library structure there has been paradigm shift in the services
offered from basic advisory to that of critical compilations. There is also wide variation regarding the service
practices depending on the nature of users and their information requirements. In India special libraries are the
privileged lot, which have been implementing variety of documentation and information services from 1960s
4. Current trends in information services
The Information services have undergone a shift in role from 1990s with the introduction of
information and communication technologies. The trend is towards access management rather than
information acquisition and distribution. Wide variety of computer based bibliographic and full text
databases, and the means for searching the databases at any time in an interactive mode has brought
metamorphic changes in the library environment and the information services. The functional
changes in libraries can be represented pictographically as follows:
Library Science
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Functional changes in library environment
Online access
Knowledge manager
Digital librarian
Web based
More information
Browse shelves or
Remote access
User: The users in contemporary digital environment do not need a mediator or librarian to search
information on their behalf; instead they can access information, as end users, in an interactive
mode. Now first search for information is not in the library but on the internet. Users are making
use of search engine to locate information rather than seeking help from the librarian.
Collections: In a traditional library the librarians had clear idea about the type of collection to be
maintained but in the digital environment it is not so. The increasing penetration of the Internet in
information storage and handling is significantly changing reading patterns and reading behavior.
More and more e-resources are being made available than ever before in different forms or types.
They include: E-Books; E-Journals; E-Zine; E-Thesis and dissertation (ETD); E-News Papers; EReference
books; CD-ROMs; Data bases. The noteworthy point here is majority of them are
accessible to users without any mediation of the library / librarian.
Information services: The benefits of information services lie in that they can help users to get the
right information and thereby enhance their understanding and application. Libraries in India
generally offer the conventional information services such as loan, reference, user orientation,
current awareness and photocopying. The services are primarily on demand and occasionally alert
type and based on print collections. Traditionally, library information services were limited to the
materials that a library owned. Now electronic means of communication are changing the
mechanism of information services. According to Drotner (2005) “The challenge facing the
physical libraries is intensified by the fact that many traditional services performed there are taken
over by users of the virtual libraries. When the majority of mundane services leave the physical
library – and the librarian’s desk – then librarians in the physical library can downplay their
functions in favour of virtual services; or they can redefine their role from access and individual
service provision to users and facilitator of more sustained collective learning processes.”
Library Science
Management of Library and Information Network
The academic libraries are witnessing the advantage of library 2.0 and moving into library 3.0
arena. The library 1.0 is computer based and 2.0 offers use of dynamic contents, blogs, social
networks, tagging, wikis, podcasts, and mashup technologies on web. However the information is
scattered and unorganized all over the web. Now, Web 3.0 is prominently based up on organizing
this scattered or unorganized information. The application of semantic technologies and ontology
will be the key aspects in this third generation of web.
Now the information services are a blend of traditional and electronic. The libraries are continuing
the traditional services like keeping bibliographic track of the status of all accessions either in print
or e- format; reference; current awareness and retrospective searches; specialized bibliographic
consultation and support; Indexing and abstracting databases; delivery of full-text (print /
electronic). In addition they are able to offer a new series of services to their traditional service base
for the following reasons:
The digital environment supports the libraries to integrate its services and bridge gap
between electronic resources and netizens
Now the user as well as the library professionals can use bibliographic tools like web
OPACs, search engines, subject directories, subject gateways that permit easy
searching and browsing
The traditional services can be modified into embedded information literacy training
modules to assist in information seeking; open access institutional repositories;
webliographies, value added aggregator services.
A variety of new products and services like Library 2.0 and Library 3.0 based
services can be promoted
Consequence to these developments the existing services are either modified or replaced with
modern services.
Traditional Digital environment
User education Information literacy
Subject bibliographies Webliographies
Reference service Virtual / Digital reference
Indexing and abstracting Aggregator services
Advanced search Digital repositories, archives
Conclusion: The information services are of recent origin compared to the technical processing tools like
classification schemes and catalogue codes. However they underwent significant changes from the status of
‘personal assistance to reader’ to the present web-based information services. Both traditional and Web based
services are important to satisfy user information requirements. Therefore the present information services are
blend of conventional and digital services.
Term Defination Related
Transmission of information from generation
point to use point
Anything that interfers transfer of information
from sender to receiver
Value added The information acquired is analysed and
repackaged for easy access and assimilation
Databases Full-text, Bibliographic, or secondary databases
like indexes and abstracts.
Online service Web based information services
Web Links and References
Web links
Drotner, Kirsten (2005). Library innovation for the knowledge society. Scandinavian Public Library
Quarterly, vol. 38 (2).
http://www.splq.info/issues/vol38_2/07.htm (accessed on 6th October, 2013)
World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Chicago, ALA, 1980.
Foskett, D. J. Information Services in Libraries. Delhi, Akashdeep Publishing House, 1992.
Seetharama, S. Planning of Library and Information Systems and Services.
DRTC, ISIS, 1985.
Suseela Kumar. Reference service in the modern world. In The changing concept of reference
service. (Sarada Ranganathan Lecture series 7). Bangalore, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment
in Library and Information Science, 1972. Delhi, Vikas Publishing, 1974.
Sharma J. S. and Grover, D. R. Reference service and sources of information. Delhi, Ess Ess
Pub., 1987
Information Services: Concept, Need etc
P- 05. Information Sources, Systems and Services *
By :R Arora,Paper Coordinator
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